We are getting into serious hiking territory now so you are going to need to start thinking ‘safety’. I wear trail running shoes but good hiking boots or shoes are required, as are hiking clothes as the temperature will drop at the top and you may get caught out in the open if it should rain. You will need snacks and plenty of water, in fact anything you think you may need for hiking in the mountains…common sense and an adventurous spirit go a long way.
From Adeje bus station, head up hill into town past the road side cafés, town hall and the Iglesia de Santa Ursula. Across from the church there is a tourist information office where you can ask for directions to the PR TF-71 and pick up a pamphlet map (sometimes a small fee is charged but they are usually free and are in many languages).
Turn left at the top and along the road to the sign for Barranco del Infierno turning right and heading up hill.
There’s a great restaurant to the left of the kiosk for the Barranco that comes highly recommended. I’ve never hiked the Barranco as, being a Jock, I have an aversion to paying to go for a walk (each to their own…I may be convinced yet) so turn left up the road and the path is on the right.
Follow the path up hill to the top stopping often to admire the view and your effort so far. At the top (Boca del Paso) the views are spectacular even on dull days and it is a great place to picnic.
I did the loop carrying on up over the lava flow to El Aserradero (1100m ASL) turning left to La Quinta and left again back along the ridge to the picnic spot at the top of the path.
All that you need to do now is retrace your steps down to the bus station at Adeje but don’t forget to have a well earned refreshment or meal in town before catching the bus home.
[author title=”Andy Chestnut” image=”https://tenerifeforum.site/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Andy-Chestnut-1.jpg”]Born in Malta and have been travelling all my life by land, sea, and air. Served in the RAF until retirement and now indulge in many hobbies.
I am married to my confidant, travelling companion and life long friend and have been for 36 years.
The secret to my success? Share everything![/author]